Lamp Of(f)
Psychedelic soundscapes, groovy riffs and nocturnal moods are some of the spices in the tasty sonic stew this trio has to offer. Immersing in this dish, cooked for you with love, light is forgotten, space and sound are praised. A childish love for freedom, an ability to see beauty in wierdnees and vice versa, a desire for relaxation – this is what brings them together, and what they want to bring to the world. As they are the last to leave the party, they'll turn the lamp off for you...you just have to let go...
The band released their debut album "Too Much Light For My Eyes" with ZenneZ Records on November 11th! The singles "Nardis" and "Is It Loneliness or Solitude?" were released on August 5th and September 30th respectfully and are available for streaming on all the digital streaming platforms. You can find the album on all digital streaming platfroms as well on Bandcamp or buy your copy on the website of ZenneZ.
Press quotes:
“ “Too Much Light...” is een zoektocht naar een geluid dat de bandleden definieert als vrienden en
broeders, en in die zin is het zelfs een ontroerende plaat.” (“ “Too Much Light...” is a search for a sound that defines the band members as friends and brothers, and in that sense it is even a moving record.” )
Dietmar Terpstra – Jazzism Magazine
“ Three musicians who play active music, captivating and adventurous with a high narrative
character.” Mattie Poels, Musicframes.nl (full review here:
"Uit mijn daarop volgende beschrijving van dit trio en het besproken album kan je opmaken dat met pittig niet bedoelt wordt ruig of ingewikkeld. Wel staat dit trio garant voor een spannende en verrassende luisterervaring." (From my subsequent description of this trio and the album discussed, you can conclude that spicy does not mean rough or complicated. This trio guarantees an exciting and surprising listening experience.)
Tip van Ruud ( Full review here: https://muziekpodiumzeeland.nl/2023/09/12/tip-van-ruud-stanimir-lambov-trio/ )